About the Book:
Scheduled for a Summer 2025 Release
Nursery Rhymes rock! And these melodious jingles, sung at bedtime—and remembered for a lifetime—just may hold in their small cameos the key to building a good life.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Shining Star, a deeper “take” on the familiar lullaby, asks:
Star light, Star bright,
First star I see tonight:
As I work and do my part
Will I find what’s in my heart?
Like Robert Fulghum’s bestselling book more than thirty years ago, Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten—Mother Bilbee has emerged as the newest knitter of tales and homespun wisdom to carry through life.
And she does it in child-friendly rhyme, enchanting pictures, and songs to share at any age—always with a sharply freshened twist that can make life a little more understandable—and fun!
In this generous “Double Feature,” children (and adults) are also reminded that we take responsibility for our own lives, and always “row our boats” along with others. In Row Your Boat Just as You Are! she asks:
What is it you hope to find, when once you reach the shore?
The work we put into our lives can surely count for more.
So be kind and courteous always to the other boats at sea.
Respect for others means a better launch for you and me.
Both of Mother Bilbee’s rhymes in this soon-to-be-well-worn little book are designed to brighten cozy bedtimes for years to come.
“Mother Bilbee Tales is a refreshing, delightful update on some of our modern bedtime lullabies that are enjoyed by both the old and the young. The tales are a rhyme of encouragement, especially when we are learning and, even later in life, deciding the next right thing to do!” —The Rev. Joanna J. Seibert, M. D.
“Those who write for children have the chance to point them towards beauty that they do not yet know exists: toward versions of joy that they have not yet imagined possible. … Children’s literature can be a form of distillation: of what it means to hope, to fear, to yearn, distilled down and down into a piece of concentrated meaning.” —Katherine Rundell, author of Impossible Creatures.
About the Author
The writer behind Mother Bilbee Books is veteran author Isabel Anders. In the fourth book of this sparkling Legacy Collection, she has applied her editorial skills and love of whimsical verse—designed to enchant children and grandchildren for years to come. Each book is brought to colorful life by renowned illustrator Karine Makartichan.