Digital Editions

Previously M.T.’S Digital Editions had a flip book effect because our books are heavy in photos. Since technology is constantly changing, we feel that at this time, to offer our books in the most common formats. When you purchase a digital edition, you will be emailed either a link or a PDF with instructions for downloading each format. You will need a third-party viewing app to read our digital editions, such as a Kindle or Kindle app, Acrobat Reader, or e-reader such as iBooks or Overdrive. We realize that individual preferences may vary, so we have created our digital editions in three of the most common formats: .mobi (Kindle), .epub (iBooks or Overdrive), and .PDF (Acrobat Reader). You can click on the link that you best fits your needs to download to your computer or mobile device. Please keep in mind that translating photo-rich books into a digital format may cause some placement shifting.

We recommend for viewing on your laptop or desktop computer, or to save to a hard drive, to download the .PDF format.

*Large publications may take a few minutes to load.

*You may need Adobe Reader to view this PDF file. You can download a free version of Adobe Reader here.

*To send to your Kindle from a downloaded .mobi file, Amazon provides a free service. Instructions can be found here. PC or Mac.

If you have an older version of one of our digital editions (July 2019) and find that it no longer works on your device, please contact us for an updated file. As of July 2019, we will begin to transition all of our digital editions to these new formats.