Members of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) are eligible to submit. There is no cost to be included; however there is a $0.20 fee per word after the 150 word mark. What if I don’t write very well? Please follow the sample guidelines on what to include and an editor at M.T. Publishing Company, Inc. will compose your biography for you. What to include in a IAFC biography. • Name • Rank, positions held • Birth place and date • Years Served • Departments you have served with (include rank and years) • Memorable experiences • Awards/Medals • Family Data (spouse, children, marriage date, etc.) Please EMAIL your biography to us. Sample Biography Donna Black, EFO, CFO Fire Chief, Duck Fire Department (NC) Chief Donna Black, IAFC president and board chair, has been active in the fire service for over 20 years. She began her career in 1997 as a volunteer, earning her way through the ranks (as both a paid and volunteer firefighter), culminating in 2006 when she was selected as the fire chief for the Town of Duck. Chief Black received her Bachelor of Science degree from Ithaca College and went on to obtain her Master of Arts from the University of Georgia. She graduated from the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer (EFO) Program in 2011. While attending the EFO program, her study focused on evaluating and improving the operations of the Duck Fire Department. After collaborating with the town manager, and educating both the town council and community about fire operations, Chief Black justified the necessity of procuring career firefighter positions. These proactive changes increased the town’s service level and shaped the Duck Fire Department into a thriving combination department. Chief Black holds a post-graduate Certificate in Community Preparedness & Disaster Management from the Gillings School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and authored the Town of Duck’s Emergency Operations Plan. She currently holds the Chief Fire Officer (CFO) designation. Chief Black has served on several boards including the Volunteer Combination Officers Section, Council for Future Volunteer Firefighters, FRI Program Planning Committee, and the Women Fire Chiefs Council. Most recently Chief Black was installed as the IAFC President and Board Chair. She continues to advocate for highly effective and inclusive volunteer and combination fire departments. |