The Fire Laddies: The Baltimore City Fire Department at the Turn of the Century


  • $37.50
  • 7″ x 10″ Soft Cover
  • 192 B/W Pages


Mark Hannon and M.T. Publishing Company, Inc. are joining forces to bring you a brand new history of the early Baltimore City Fire Department. The Fire Laddies examines the fire department in the early part of the Twentieth Century. This department protected the city against terrifying reality of fire which could kill hundreds in crowded theaters and factories and destroy many square miles of a city in a matter of hours. The men, machines, equipment and horses of a nation’s sixth largest city are examined here, along with the serious challenges they faced in the first year of the new century.

The price is only $37.50 for the exceptional 7 x 10″ soft cover edition. With 192 black and white pages, it contains historical photographs and artistic drawings to help illustrate the departments written history.

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