Down in Old Corydon


• 8 1/2 x 11 inch
• Soft cover
• 64 pages


What an exciting time it must have been in Corydon during the Capital Period! Down in Old Corydon focuses on the years from 1816-1825, providing information about people, places and events associated with Corydon. Additional material detailing events which preceded 1816 is also included, but if it happened after 1825, it won’t appear in this work. Even though the Capital Period lasted only nine years, it was impossible to include everything. Strenuous effort has been made to collect and include pertinent accounts which will provide a glimpse into this significant period in Corydon, Indiana’s history. Invaluable local sources include Dr. Gerald Haffner, Art Funk, Fred Griffin, Hurley Conrad, Violet Bruner Windell, James Voyles, Fred Porter Griffin Center for History and Genealogy, Indiana Historical Society, Indiana Historical Bureau, Indiana State Library, The Indiana Gazette and so many others. (Original spelling and punctuation have been retained in most accounts, so multiple spellings of names and period spelling and punctuations may be found.) Readers will discover, the Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How? of the “doings” down in old Corydon.

Who? What? When? Where? How? Why???
Who was here?
What did they do?
When did they do it?
Where did they do it?
How did they do it?
Why did they do it?
Why is it significant?

The intent of Down in Old Corydon is to help readers gain a true appreciation for Corydon’s rich history, during Indiana’s Bicentennial and long after 2016, as they learn about the significance of Corydon in Indiana’s history. This project is consistent with the Mission Statement of the Historical Society of Harrison County which is “to preserve, protect, promote and interpret the rich history of Harrison County, Indiana.”

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 11 × 1.5 in




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