Benjamin Bosse


6 x 9 inches
320 pages

Written by Jeffrey A. Bosse

Soft Cover $17.95
Hardcover $29.95


His interests were so diverse, his activities so numerous, his sphere of influence so all embracing that one approaches the task of discussing the man and his work with no small amount of trepidation. In his case superlatives are essential, naught else will suffice. His genius for financing was amazing. His business vision seemed to border closely upon the supernatural. No man grasped the details of a proposition more readily nor pursued its logic more unerringly. Business, politics, city building, religion, child welfare, better housing, education, civic undertakings of every kind, all found in him an enthusiastic supporter, yea, even more than a supporter, he was the leader. He was advocate, logician, strategist and organizer. Combined with it all and accounting in large measure for his achievements, he was a tireless worker; his enthusiasm and his energy recognizing no bounds.
–Evansville Courier April 4, 1922

This story of Benjamin Bosse, written by Jeffrey A Bosse, great-great nephew of Benjamin Bosse, tells the untold story of this influential man and his tenure of Mayor of Evansville. Few written accounts describing Bosse, all notable for their brevity, have concentrated on one side of his personality to the total exclusion of the other, never attempting to present a complete, valid presentation, showing in one place both his extraordinary accomplishments and his deficiencies. Jeffrey A. Bosse embarked upon a study to determine who the real Benjamin Bosse was. This book’s objective is to show both sides of this remarkable, but imperfect man, and his multi-faceted career.

This book is an attempt to portray as accurately as possible the life and careers of Benjamin Bosse, allowing the reader to draw whatever conclusions he or she may.

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 11 × 1.5 in


Cover Type



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